Полумієва Евеліна Володимирівна

Про репетитора

I have finished philological school learning English and German and now I am studying In Frankfurt am Main in Germany. In the past I have been living in the USA for 3 months, what has given me a significant beginning in my learning of English. By the way thanks to my mom's job since age 4 I was able to communicate with foreigners, what also helped me to possess this language quicklier. In the school I had written two scientific research works in English. English language has rescued me from a big amount of complicated situations in my life and is still helping me. I am working as an English tutor already 3 years. An individual approach to each student, interesting lessons, but at the same time an intensive teaching system. I consider all wishes of the student and his level. Classes are partly conducted in the target language. Helping you to learn the chosen language and seeing the result is my main goal. So I am so eager and excited to work with you and to share with you my knowledge. I will say right away it will not be easy and I will demand a lot. But this is important for a good result, because as u know No pain, no gain.


  • 150 грн 
  • Англійська мова - Англійська мова, Онлайн курси - Онлайн курси
  • Дошкільники, молодша школа, середня школа, студенти, дорослі, пенсіонери
  • 150 грн 
  • Німецька мова - Німецька мова, Онлайн курси - Онлайн курси
  • Дошкільники, молодша школа, середня школа, студенти, дорослі, пенсіонери
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