Functional skills maths level 2 online with exam

  • 7 230 грн

Вік аудиторії Студенти, дорослі

Accredited online course, study materials, official exam, exclusive tutor support, everything you need, to get qualified in Functional Skills Maths level 2 are available in one place . This functional skills maths level 2 qualification is regulated by Ofqual and equivalent to the GCSE, which is a nationally recognized. 

This extensive level 2 maths course with an online exam will set you up with the appropriate qualifications and adequate credentials that are required for you to expertise in the field of functional math. This level 2 maths course with an online exam is regulated by Ofqual and accredited by Pearson Edexcel, making it a nationally recognized qualification that will enhance your CV.  

Upon successful completion of this level 2 maths course with an online exam, you will be able to qualify as an individual to set forth your skills in both professional and educational careers.

To view the entire course curriculum click here

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  • 950 грн на місяць (1 раз на тиждень/60 хвилин)
  • Науки та підготовка до ЗНО/НМТ - Математика, Інше; Позашкільна освіта - Швидкочитання, розвиток пам'яті.
  • Молодша школа, середня школа, студенти.
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